Best Solutions for any kind of Baldness


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Exoderm Medical Centers  - EsthetiCliniCs

Advanced Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeries Exoderm peelings, FUE hair transplantation 

  Artificial (synthetic)  hair implantation the new generation  -  Nido ,  Biofibre.

  Israel - UK - Hungary - Austria - Germany




Exoderm International professional hair clinics over Europe

Time has changed us ! but now we can change the time



Exoderms Hair Transplantation





FUE  Hair Transplantation

Exoderm International Medical Centers  

resorts the most improved methods.

25 years of practice.


FUE  Hair transplantation -

FUE  transplants are done by the most modern methods and instruments 

No scars left  !


Strip method for large amounts of hair -  FU - FUT - SFU

done by injecting the follicles like Fue 1. 2, 3 follicles with special machinery.

Leaves minimal mark of a scar on the back .


AH -  Artificial hair,  

Biofibre -  Bio Synthetic  hair

synthetic special and safe bio synthetic feels and looks just like natural hair


Nido - Hair implantation ,

Newest  generation collagen type

artificial  synthetic hair


Twin skin - for any kind of  baldness or

increasing the density


The Most professional and modern solutions for any kind

of baldness all at Exoderms Chain of medical centers .


The unique "Exoderms hair transplantation" - the best results

100% guaranty  , we use your own hair as the donor from

 a safe area,  no side affects - looks natural -

The treatment takes only several hours in one of

Exoderm Medical Centers,  done with local Anesthesia -

no pain - nor hospitalization is required , option for

Special package deals including  1-3 days ,

3-5 star hotels ,in only one weekend to get your hair back !

24 hours of therapeutic observation to guarantee the best results 

Thousands of pleased clients.

The treatment is good for men and women.

the best package deals with the most experienced medical centers -

25 years of Practice.


Exoderms complete solution for any kind of baldness

no scars !  highest  density up to 4000 grafts per session.

 100% success with our special hair transplant methods ! 



Special package Deals :

 Europe Medical Centers

[email protected]


Click for 500 Euro - Coupon  


Tel-Aviv - Frankfurt - Koln -  Budapest , Sopron,

 Vienna (Wien) - Linz - Wels

 Israel , Germany , Austria,  Hungary, Denmark,

UK,  France,  Switzerland , Slovenia , Croatia, Russia,


FUE -  Implanters

Biofibre colors and synthetic hair types



synthetic hair implantation



Nido Colors



Pulling strength of the synthetic hair is 150 Gr,

more than our natural hair .


Only in Exoderms chain of hair clinics :

You will find all and the best quality types of artificial hair exclusively
Nido and or  Biofibre
Or combined with unique natural own hair transplant methods.

No one can tell or see if that is synthetic or yours
variety of all colors, hair types ,
Curly , waved , strait, short or long hair
Results in only one day .

Most professional and modern methods -

Exoderm Centers does the trainings

and courses for doctors from all over the world that wish to learn the newest

methods of all solutions for baldness .

Done only by the best experienced and qualified
surgeons and staff

Artificial hair - according to:  CE /TGA /ISO -  regulations
And approvals.  is approved by most authorities over the world .

Only in Exoderm you get transplants by automatic
Modern implanters that allows us to transplant even
a single hair follicle with the smallest trauma to the skin
with no scars, for highest density and natural looks.

So is the electronic smallest size of punches for FUE
Mega implants and transplants .

After care - where ever you are -
Find us in any of our worldwide Exoderm clinics
Package deals - including hotel and care .
Find the best deal and location
In any one of our Exoderms medical centers
Professional hair clinics department.

Exoderm - will find for you the best
Solution simply because we are
The only professional hair clinics that knows how and
combines all available techniques and methods.
With our special exclusive methods as developed during 27
Years of our own wide experience.

There is no type of baldness or hair that we won't
find the best solution to give you a full hair with natural density or
The most natural looks.

Try us !



Exoderm Medical Centers


E-mail us now




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 3000 artificial hair implant  By Exoderm Medical Centers




Front hair line after 3000 Nido's hair implants

By Exoderm Medical Centers






Nido hair implant - Exoderm Medical Centers  



Biofibre Hair implant



Special offer for Doctors  , MD'S

the original "Exoderm"

trainings  course  - Franchise


Complete training for the Exclusive Original

Exoderms peel - face lift method.
Possibility to franchise with the original 

Exoderm Medical Centers chain

on an exclusive partnership base

at your area & clinic !

The original - Exoderm peel, lift

and or the complete solutions for baldness ,

unique FUE  hair transplantation methods and

2 kinds of synthetic hair implants

and all type of transplant combinations.

franchise with us or take our

courses , complete  trainings ,

workshops  for Doctors and for

the Medical ( Hair ) assistants.


For more Details

Please call or send an E-mail

Mr. Michael Eger,  Director,

Exoderm I.M.C    E-mail


Click for : More info for doctors


click for :

Exoderm  Germany Austria Hungary

Exoderm Europe 




News :

New clinics: Sopron clinic most modern

O.P ,

operating rooms

and medical facilities located

in a beautiful tourism city

only 60 km from Wien (Vienna) Airport

 on the border of Austria Hungary. 

 Free Transfers:

 from Wien or Budapest Airport ,

 Accommodation in best spa hotels

 V.I.P personal care

all included :

special Package deals

 Hair transplants also on weekends.    

E-mail us now




Exoderm International Medical Centers

 Tel-Aviv | Budapest- Sopron  | Köln | Frankfurt  I London I Wien I Linz I Wels | © 1985

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The original Exoderm peel - Exoderm Hair Solutions


Kunsthaar hair transplantation Exoderm Deep Peel ExOpeel Synthetic hair Akne Acne   Hair implant

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